
Twice position 7 at the 2nd station in Terlicko

For the second race weekend of this year's IRRC series, the team went to Terlicko, Czech Republic, 900 km away. Schmiddel had a good feeling during the journey to our Eastern European neighbour country, as he had only recently achieved a good result in the 300 curves of Gustav Havel in Horice (also Czech Republic). In addition, he was already familiar with the race course.

Platz 9 und 8 für Schmiddel - Kurzer Rennbericht zum Saisonstart in Hengelo!

Liebe Road Racing Freunde,

bereits am Donnerstag traf Chris Kühnen von Racefoxx bei Schmiddel ein. Da Schmiddel seinen Transporter vor kurzem verkauft hatte, bekam er unkompliziert Hilfe vom Racefoxx-Team, die ihm einen Sprinter zur Verfügung stellten.