Faro Scene edit ViewpointBirdsEye and hide all planes

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Jan Harink
Last seen: vor 3 Jahre 7 Monate
Beigetreten: 10.09.2020 - 18:20
Faro Scene edit ViewpointBirdsEye and hide all planes

Hello, i have 2 questions:
how can i edit the standard path or viewpointbirdeye?
Is it possible to hide all planes and spheres at the same time or do i have to select all planes and spheres one at the time?
Attached an image referring to the questions.

regards, Jan

Ole Krause
Last seen: vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
Beigetreten: 22.06.2020 - 09:45
Hi Jan,

Hi Jan,
when you're in the 3D-View, just right click and then open the visibility settings.. There you can deselect the objects you do not like to see in the video...