TX5 point cloud processing

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Last seen: vor 11 Jahre 3 Monate
Beigetreten: 19.01.2013 - 07:44
TX5 point cloud processing

What software can you recommend to work with the Trimble TX5. Ho is the interaction between the point cloud-Real Works and Revit for example?


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Last seen: vor 3 Monate 4 Wochen
Beigetreten: 18.11.2008 - 22:17
Software for Trimble TX%

Hi Jason,

Realworks is more for working in point clouds directly. Revit is a BIM program and have possibilty to use point cloud for modeling. It is a import functionalty for point cloud in Revit for FARO data. The OEM Scanner Trimble TX5 should be run as well. But the newest *.dll have to be installed. Many of our customers using also pointcab laserscanning software to work efficently in Revit.

Look to this user story



Eric Bergholz
Laserscanning Europe GmbH

Last seen: vor 11 Jahre 3 Monate
Beigetreten: 19.01.2013 - 07:44

Hi Eric,

I am sorry but I am new in this matter. So what do you mean?

Realworks for working in point clouds directly???

I know Revit so that was not my question. I am asking how can I bring in the data of the TX5 into it? By the way I never installed an dll I guess. Where should I get this? From Trimble?


Last seen: vor 3 Monate 4 Wochen
Beigetreten: 18.11.2008 - 22:17
Trimbel TX5 Data processing

Hi Jason,

Realworks is an laserscanner processing software, which have modeling tools for pipes and other geometry like walls for building inside. If your customer needs a BIM model like a Revit model, you cant use realworks for this task. Realworks generate a stupid 3D solid model out from Laserscanner Data. You can`t transform this model in to a inteligent BIM model (like Revit model). That means, if you need Revit model, you have to make modeling work inside of revit.
For this task you need to import the lasercanner data from trimble tx5 by point cloud plugin from Revit software.

For any problems by laserscanner data import by Revit you should speak to local Revit or trimble support.



Eric Bergholz
Laserscanning Europe GmbH