FARO Scene workspace

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Klaus Meyer
Last seen: vor 2 Jahre 9 Monate
Beigetreten: 08.01.2014 - 11:21
FARO Scene workspace

Loading a workspace in FARO Scene takes a long time. What could be the reason?

Best regards

Forum Schlüsselworte: 
Last seen: vor 3 Monate 4 Wochen
Beigetreten: 18.11.2008 - 22:17
Geomagic Freeform

Hi Klaus,

you can use it stand alone. But it is possible to use a external Devise like the sensable stick.
This allows like a pen to touch your drawing in 3D and make also changing. People use it for design stuff
for toys or in medical application.

reagds.. ..Eric

Eric Bergholz
Laserscanning Europe GmbH