ScanManager NetViewer

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Last seen: vor 13 Jahre 9 Monate
Beigetreten: 05.10.2009 - 21:42
ScanManager NetViewer

Hi, does anybody made any expierience using the ScanManager NetViewer? How does it work? Is it possible to access a whole laserscanning project via the internet? Thanks, C.

Eike Thiele
Last seen: vor 9 Jahre 2 Monate
Beigetreten: 18.11.2008 - 17:25
ScanManager Viewer

Hi there,

after converting/loading the scan data / scan project into the ScanManager the tool is creating several documents as ScanManger project file, ScanManager data files and also an specific ScanManager html file (Website).

To share the project to your customer you need to copy the different files to a webserver or an ftp server including the html file.

Then you need to share the link and your customer can access the project.
