Automobile Industry

Automobile Industry

Car manufacturing has successfully used 3D laser scanning for many years. The gathered point clouds are most often transferred to the CAD program the car manufacturer happens to use. The users and planer using the gathered data can work on the 3D-CAD models using the CAD environment they are most familiar. Training on the use of the scan data or the purchase of new software solutions is not necessary.

A disadvantage of this approach is the huge effort necessary for processing and for modeling of the 3D models from the point clouds. The geometric information of the model that was extracted from the laser scanning data are the basis for drafting the desired elements and objects. The modeled objects (e.g. buildings, technical building equipment, air ducts, interior equipment, conveying equipment) as well as the technology used (e.g. stamping plants, brick shell of building, paint shop, assembly line, logistics) are the most determining factors with regard to the modeling effort required.

The modeling effort can be significantly reduced by using predefined CAD objects and of existing CAD libraries. The objects from the library are simply placed in the right orientation. The fine modeling of the objects can often be omitted.

The 3D laser scanning technology is used in both building and interior design as well as in layout and production planning. The goal is to realistically depict the structure of building, maintenance/supply equipment, as well as the exact rendering of the production facilities. The gathered data are used in the planning of the facility layout as well as for simulating of new production processes.