Energy and supplying industry


Public utility

Laser scanners play an important role when it comes to scan, measure and document utility lines and public utilities (e.g. power stations, transformer stations). When laser scanning is used for those tasks, it is easy to create as-built documentations, which are accurate in every detail. Consequently, as-built documentations can be used for building operations in planning projects.

Using laser scanning to generate economical as-built documentation of power stations

An as-built documentation of a power station or transformer station is in many cases an advantage. If, for example, existing stations are to be modernized, rebuilt or expanded, the as-built documentation is a good choice. This is also true for installations, pipelines and other components that need to be replaced or moved to another position. When a plant has to be moved, as-built documentation, which provides the current condition of the plant with all details, is of vital importance.

Collision detection even before construction work 

Creation of as-built documentation within the context of public utilities (power stations, transformer stations) makes it possible to perform collision detections on the computer. That way, likely collisions can be avoided right from the beginning. Planning is therefore substantially simplified. As the precision of the as-built documentation is exceptionally high, the prefabrication level of components and pipes is extremely good. Furthermore, time and effort for measurements are reduced to a very low level. However, results generated by laser scanners are far more accurate than results generated by conventional methods.

Airborne laser scanning surveys pipeline routes

A huge amount of geometrical data can be collected with airborne laser scanning in a very short time frame. Consequently, geometrical data of pipelines, such as gas pipes and power lines, can be gathered and digitalized. Because even very thin pipes reflect the light, the position of these pipes will also be stored as laser scanning data. But laser scanning can do more for you: Heat leakages in pipes of district heating networks can also be seen when temperature sensors are used.

Safe scanning of hard to reach areas

With the help of high quality as-built documentation, the accurate position of utility lines can be detected fast and reliably. That way, damages to pipes and lines will be avoided. Sewage systems as well as power and gas systems or other pipe systems can be reliably and time-efficiently recorded (position and depth). Even data of hard to reach places or areas where access is restricted can be recorded. They are finally visualized by a CAD program and can be used for future scenarios and projects.

Laser scanning can be used in the following fields.

  • measurements of buildings
  • site measurements
  • surveys
  • scans of installations of public utilities

Laser scanning comes with the following advantages.

  • easy
  • fast
  • extremely accurate
  • photo-realistic
  • complete
  • contactless
  • not dependent on light
  • repeatable
  • economical
  • can be used during running production
  • hard to reach places or areas where access is restricted can be recorded