3D documentation

3D documentation describes a process in which real objects are captured by means of technical equipment and converted into a digital three-dimensional model. For that purpose, hardware and software systems are needed.

Hardware for 3D documentation

In terms of hardware, several measurement systems are employed: These include total stations, digital cameras, stripe-light scanners or laser scanners. There are laser scanners for capturing small objects, such as components, as well as other systems for scanning larger objects, such as buildings, or even landscapes. A distinction is made between close-range scanners, terrestrial 3D laser scanners and mobile laser scanners (systems installed on cars, boats, helicopters or aircrafts).

The laser scanners generate scan data. This data can be many single measurement points (so-called point clouds) or meshes (polygon meshes) of the captured object.

Software for 3D documentation

Special software packages are used for the converting the digital measurement data. These allow the processing of scan data (point clouds). The results of the 3D documentation are virtual, three-dimensional models. The result is defined by the user or the requirements for the documentation. Corresponding to the needs, software systems for GIS (geographic information system), CAD (computer-aided design) or BIM (Building information Modeling) scan be used.

Applications of 3D documentation

The process can be used for very small and also very large objects. The object can be a mobile phone or a big building, a historic facility, a plant, a whole city or a landscape.

Frequent applications of 3D documentation include the capture of technical facilities (including piping and tanks) and steel construction.
In the field of architecture and civil engineering, the process is used for the digitalization of buildings and structures (bridges and tunnels as well as monuments and historic excavations).

Other fields, in which 3D documentation finds its way, are medical engineering, film industry as well as environmental protection and landscaping.

The process of 3D documentation has revolutionized capturing of the reality. 3D documentation enables the users to understand real conditions, to make decisions and – based on the scanning data – to develop new products or solutions.