Scan Manager

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Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
Joined: 21.10.2009 - 03:27
Scan Manager

Hello, I was evaluating the Scan Manager and have several questions:

1. I can't find an option for Imperial units. Is this available?

2. In the 3D Point Cloud View tab, the zoom control (middle button scrolling) seems very slow. Is there a way to increase the speed?

3. I'm looking for an easy way to write out the scan position coordinates to a file (text, Excel, etc.) Is there a way to do this?

4. I tried to convert a Leica Cyclone .IMP file and didn't have much luck. Can you explain how to properly do this?

5. Instead of exporting each scan individually, I'd like to find a way to automate the writing of .PTC files using the scan names as the filenames. Can Scan Manager do this?

6. I was trying to measure some points in 3D View that I couldn't fit on the screen at the same time. I understand that there are different ways to get these measurements. However, it would be more convenient if there was a way to perform some view control operations during the measure command. Can this be done?

Thank you,

Eike Thiele
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 18.11.2008 - 17:25


please see the answers below:

1. Unfortunately there are only metric units in the ScanManager at the moment. Imperial units will be implemented in the next ScanManager version.

2. Yes, there is a way to increase the speed. We’ve added a new zoom button for the 3D Point Clout View this week. We’ll announce several new features of the ScanManager including the zoom-button next week, so you can download the new release next week.

3. You can print out the scan coordinates into a pdf-file.

4.In order to convert Leica scan data via ScanManager you have to use the Leica public format PTG.
Every licensed Cyclone module can generate this PTG data. PTG is binary and therefore as compact as feasible. This is not like the typical ASCII interchange formats which can be a huge expansion form the native format.

5. This option is not available yet.

6. Yes, I know what you mean. We will think about ways to do zooming and measuring at the same time, like ACAD for example. Thanks for the suggestion. Until we develop it, you can do such measurments in 3D pointcloudview. We will try to deliver an update with this function soon.

